Daywalkers Ep 3: Health Goth, Jock Goths and Alternative Women’s Fitness


Available on most podcast platforms including Spotify, Apple, Stitcher, and Audible

Episode Summary: Hannah and Carissa discuss that most un-goth like of activities — breaking a sweat. Carissa also has a chat with Sab, who started Alternative Women’s Fitness


Alternative Activewear — Alternative Activewear

John Sowden House — The house that maybe the Black Dahlia was murdered in. Hannah says it is most likely a Frank Lloyd Wright house but it was actually designed by his son Lloyd Wright

Goth / Black bath bombs

Dr Francis Macnab sermons at St Michael’s Church in the Melbourne CBD

Wanderlust Center Hollywood

Hannah’s favorite basic YouTube fitness instructor

Mrs Piss (goth music to work out to)

Nick Cave dance move inspiration

Pilates Punx

Paris Pilates (Paris and Los Angeles)

General info on Forest Bathing

The most goth ASMR Hannah can tolerate

Erewhon Market



Hannah Joyner
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